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RE: My Auto Biography

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

Hey, @solominer.

It's really too bad that they don't make either the 7 or the 8 anymore. I didn't know this at the time, but I guess the 8s at least have a bad rep as far as reliability and gas mileage go. I imagine the rotary engine would be relatively expensive to fix if it went out, simply because no one else does rotary engines, at least in the U.S.

All that said, though, very fun car. I managed to keep a Porsche from passing us on Hwy 20 heading to Bend through the mountains because the road winds just enough with blind corners, and because I was able to go faster through the turns than it could (wanted to, not sure which). That lasted for at least 30 minutes. Then we came out of the trees on the downhill, straightaway for miles and the porsche blew the doors off of us. Never saw it again. :)


Theres something to be said about mid engine cars but front engine cars are quite nimble too like the RX 7 and 8.