My First Food Recipe on HIVE | Homemade Oven Baked Pizza!

in OCD4 years ago

Hello Everyone,

Today I have come with my another blog after a long time. This blog is about a pizza recipe. In this quarantine time, I'm trying to make my time worth full by doing productive work.

I'm a big foodie. In last few days, I was craving for pizza a lot. Then I thought to make it at home. So I do some researchers on it. Then I made my own simple recipe.

Take a deep breath for the surprising simple pizza recipe.



  • For Dough

  1. Flour (2cups)
  2. Yeast (2 table spoon)
  3. Powder milk (2table spoon)
  4. Warm water (7-8 table spoon)
  5. Suger (2table spoon)
  6. Salt (as required)
  • For Filling

  1. Marinated chicken breast (1cup)
  • Soya sauce
  • Ginger,garlic paste
  • Chill flecks
  • Salt
  1. Capsicum
  2. Carrot
  3. chilli
  4. Mozzarella cheese
  5. Pizza sauce
  6. Butter

Working Process

Working process:
In warm water,i put yeast, suger and powder milk. I mixed them and leave them for 2minutes. Then in 2 cups of flour, I mixed that liquid and made a dough of it. Then I kept that dough in a bowl and covered the mouth of the bowl with a foil paper. I kept it in a side to rest for 6-7hours. So it'll bloom fully.


On the other side, I started to work on my marinated chicken. At first, I took the part of breast of a chicken. Because this part doesn't take much time to cook. I sliced them in tiny pieces. And then With the required elements, I mixed the chicken. I kept that in a side to marinate in a proper way for 3-4hours.

After all these, I took the vegetables and chopped them in a nice shape. Then I fried the marinated chicken in the fry pan. When you saw, the color of the chicken turned into brown stop cooking it. Always try to fry them in low heat. Then tossed the vegetables in that fry pan.

On the other hand, grated the mozzarella cheese perfectly. Cause if you normally cut the cheese and spread it over the pizza it will not look good. Even it will not cover the whole pizza also. For this reason, it'll also taste bad.


In a pizza pan, brush some butter and spread the dough. Make some small hole in the dough with fork. These will help to cook the crust nicely. Then spread the pizza sauce in that.


Then spread a layer of cheese over it. After that spread the chicken and the vegetables and onions. Then lastly spread a layer of cheese again in the top.


For baking pizza, preheated the oven in 200 degree Celsius. Lastly bake the pizza for 15-20minutes. You can also make it without oven. For this you'll need a nonsteak pan. Spread a thick layer of salt in the pan. Then set a mini stand over it and put the pizza pan on that. After that cover the nonsteak pan. Wait for 30-40minutes to get the pizza ready.


Special tips:
1 If you want a perfect dough, then rest the dough for one day.
2 If you are a cheese lover, you can make many layers of cheese in the pizza.
3 If you wanna taste the authentic pizza, do not use oil for frying the chicken or for tossing the vegetables. Use butter for the best taste.

Hope everyone will like my easy pizza recipe and will try it.Please share your experience by following this recipe in the comment and tell me if you have liked it or not.

Thanks for Reading my Blogs. I will come with another simple recipe if I get good response on this blog. Keep sharing your opinion about my Pizza. Thank you so much.

All the Picture Taken with Samsung A50 Android Device


I just Love this Hive Community, that's why I choose this name for running my HIVE account


This looks so yummy! I didn't know a photo could work up my appetite so much!

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