A new-bee just landed in hive

in OCD2 years ago


It's been a whole week since I join read.cash for the first time.
It was really an amazing experience which I have never felt before. I can still feel those loud heartthrobs which I felt at that time.
Today, I am facing the same dilema , nervousness, excitement as I am going to experience another great and amazing thing. I'm trying my best to conquer against all my doubts, fears and to begin another new journey.

Once a wise man said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"__Lao Tzu .
It is true and agreeable that if you want to reach your destination of a thousand miles then you must allow yourself to take a small and single step first towards your dreams otherwise you will be left behind and everyone will ahead of you, I know no one want to experience this thing happily.
This thought always scares me and on the other side motivates me to do something.
It does not matter whether your step is too small or too big, effective or full of failures, you have to go forward towards your destination without hesitating or thinking about the opinions of others.

Every thing seems impossible and hard until it's done.
This is why I'm trying to stop my fears from engulfing my hopes.
I can't deny the fact that it is truely hard to begin something as a beginner and it becomes more difficult if you are beginning your journy without proper knowledge or experience.
For me this is the exact thing I'm worrying about as I have no experience about blogging. In this kind of situation, gaining mastery and excellence is like discovering water in Mirage.

I admit every new journey is full of failures and victories. If we fear about only failure then we will never be able to enjoy the sweet taste of victory.
I created this account of mine yesterday when my worries, fears , doubts was on peak so I put myself, my doubts, insecurities in a long and heavy slumber.
As a new beginner just like others, I have lots of unspoken 'what ifs' and questions but for now I want to forget about all of this as I know all our doubts kills everything even those which are possible to accomplish.

I am not good at weaving my thoughts excellently though I am not searching perfectionism for myself as I believe the hunger for perfection gives us nothing but hopelessness, emptiness, pains.

"Where there are Dreams, There are possibilities, growth, achievements"___ I believe in this line die heartedly.
Now, I want nothing but to swim in the waves of knowledge.
When I first heard about Hive, I thought it would be really tough to begin as a beginner and I also thought I have to face lots of failures, hurdles but who cares about these worthless things when you can enjoy a whole new world, learn new things every day.
Now I have realised that it is more difficult to stop yourself from cutting off all the bounderies made of only fears and doubts.
I'm not after success, achievements, I just want to reinvent myself leaving my cosy comfort zones I hope I will be able to do this very important thing for myself.


Hello, Hiveans.....
I'm Heroko, a girl with lots of dreams and desires.
It was 2004,spring time when I was born which makes me 18 year old and if I'm right then I'm standing on the threshold of adulthood and soon I will enter this new phase.
I belong to a country where six gorgeous seasons exists distinctively I mean you can really see and enjoy every end and beginning of a season clearly.
I'm a first born of my family which makes me more beloved child in my family naturally.
By the blessings of our creator, I am blessed with a younger sister who is performing a role of a best friend too apart from being a sister to me.

You can see me above , I know though you can't see my face still I chose this picture of mine just because I'm introvert kind of person and really shy to expose my identity.

A Little About Myself
I have too many hobbies to count but among all of those I love to cherish very few of them. The most beloved hobby of mine is travelling. I really love travelling as I find it very soothing. I love to roam different places just to know more about other cultures, to enjoy new beauties of nature, to taste different kinds of cuisine.
I'm a family oriented person but I would love to ramble the world as a solo traveller. Okay, I'm stopping here about my hobbies as my article is getting long which can bore you and I want to do this with you.


Apart from cherishing my traveling hobby, I do love gardening mostly flower gardening.
My mom is a plantita so I got this hobby from my mom for which I'm really grateful towrads her for passing this hobby to me.


Okay!!!! Okay!! I can hear your loud sighs, I won't make anyone bored with my long article so this is all for now I will share more about myself, my hobbies and others interisting topic too.


Before ending my article, I would like to show my immense gratitude to sis @Jenthoughts, @Garrethgrey07 for telling me about Hive and showing your support.

All photos belongs to me and the lead image made by me using Canva.


Welcome hiroko1!
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Hello @hiroko1! Where did you last travel? BTW this is @machiata from @ocd team.

If you have time, You can read some of the communities in this post that you may like : OCD Communities Incubation Program and for all hive communities you can check https://peakd.com/communities

For tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: newbie guide.

The important thing is Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog. You can't include content that you don't own without sources. For more information, check this post: Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise. If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Welcome to Hive! Did you know that there are many different websites powered by Hive? If you enjoy travel blogging check out TravelFeed.io :) See you around @hiroko1!

upvote for you, welcome to hive!

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