An Introduction Of Me, Myself And I

in OCD3 years ago (edited)

Billions of people walk the earth and being a part of these multitude makes me feel minuscule. Regardless of how huge the universe, everyone is unique, so am I. Personalities – the good, the bad and the ugly, adds variety to earth. None is perfect, but I believe people should strive to improve their lives and be the best they can be regardless of their origin and social status. On my part, I try my best to be honest, kind and respectful to anyone I come in contact with regardless of their sex, age and race. I know that I’m not even close to being perfect (protection is a mirage), but one thing is true about me – I am who I am. And I know who I am. I know what I want in life and I go after it doggedly. I try myself to be honest, trustworthy, dedicated, and focus-driven in all spheres of life. It is with these few words that I introduce myself to the hive community.


My name is Ifeanyi, a Nigerian in his 20s. I’m from Imo state but resides in Akure, Ondo state. I'm the first child of my family. As the first of four, I always felt responsible for my siblings. I love my family dearly and the feeling is mutual.

**I have a stable family **– my parents are not wealthy but we get by. They are always attentive to our needs. They are strict when they have to, but generally they are lively parents with big hearts. We are Catholics and my parents ensure we make it early to Mass on Sundays. We are grounded in the family's belief and we were brought up to be good and do right by everyone.

Earlier Days (Childhood)

Childhood has always been fun, though a few will disagree. I can’t say for everyone, but looking back at my childhood, I recall the carefree life of a kid, the fun with my siblings, friends and classmates, the joy and laughter shared with my parents and siblings, the small birthday parties my parents threw for my siblings and I during our birthdays (we celebrated five birthdays every year, one for Dad, one for me, one for second child,, one for the last born, mum and third child shares the same birth date, so they celebrate together), my fancy Christmas clothes and my wonderful friends and relatives (especially those who gets me gifts during my birthdays or whenever they visit us). Then, I wished life will continue being fun and joyous. If only wishes were horses!

I was a good child, so were my siblings. We never acted out, my parents made sure of that. They spared the rod, but didn’t spoil the children. We were always obedient and we always return home with good grades, our parents could be any proud.

My parents are not wealthy, but they thought us to always have positive outlook towards life. Though I mingle with a lot of kids from various background, I never allowed them influence me. Some of them smoke and do drugs, but I made a promise not to do any and also not to partake in any illegal act that would dent my parents good reputation in the society.

I cared a lot about people – sometimes I go out of my way to be kind and helpful. I guess this attitude of mine is rooted in my sense of responsibility honed into me by my parents and as the eldest child. Friendship and family mean a lot to mm and I believe nothing would ever change this mindset.


Life is full of ups and downs – a summary of my life. Sometimes I’m happy, having fun and other times I’m sad and life gets boring and uninspiring. Generally my life is plain. I always take things in stride.

I’m a veterinary student and hope to own my vet clinic after graduation.

As a student, I’m always looking for ways to improve myself and develop new skills that will help me on my way to financial freedom in the future.

I want to see a better Nigeria and I know that I have a role to play in achieving that. I have no concrete plans at the moment, but there is room for discovery and I will always avail it.

Hobbies: I like to watch and play football. From playing with my friends for fun to playing fantasy football, I just find fun in it all. Watching movies help me relax. I mostly watch on my phone, but I go to the cinema whenever I can, especially with friends. I also engage in board games like chess and scrabble. Then, there is travelling. I enjoy it a lot. One of the things on my bucket list is to travel to as many cities in the world as possible.

Dreams and aspirations: I like animals and also find joy in taking care of people. So it has always been medicine or veterinary medicine for me. I have chosen Vet. There are many stray animals especially dogs and Nigeria has laws regarding animal rights but none is effective. One of my dreams is to provide a good environment for animals (especially pets like dog) to thrive. That has been my long time dream. Though I love my course, I seem to also enjoy digital stuffs, and I have plans of starting a blog and also learning graphic designs. I also hope to have an animal farm in the future, a huge project that requires a lot of capital. I believe I will be able to achieve this.

Things I want to learn: I don’t cook much, mostly because I don’t know how to cook, so the number one thing on my list is learning how to cook various dishes. Then I will learn graphic designs and other related skills. I can’t seem and I envy my friends when they swim and I will be seated somewhere watching. I do like to join them in the fun too.

How I found Ecency and My goals.
A friend told me about and how I can earn hive from this platforms. So today, I have decided to sign up and begin my journey in this community.

I hope to learn as much as I can and also earn as much hive as possible. I will like to meet new people and make friends if possible. I love to have fun, so I will bring some competitive fun along. Be prepared to engage. The friend that informed me about hive said that there is need to promote it in our community to bring in as many people as possible. I do like to contribute to the growth of hive. No concrete plans yet, but for now, I will tell others about Ecency and hive after I have understood and had some success being here. People won’t believe in your words unless you have proof.


Hi and welcome to hive blockchain social media Ifeanyi @iloveyougod, you have a wonderful family. I wish you all the best on your study on becoming a great Veterinarian. Its nice to have you in this community. Have a great day ahead my friend :)

Thank you!😊

You are welcome my friend :)

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