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RE: Looking for Good Authors with Low Reputations that get Bad Rewards

in OCD4 years ago

Wow. 150 votes and not a single comment? Voting trail? Makes it kinda tough to move up the priority list. Lol. Hopefully, engagement here on Hive will improve as people get used to it.

I don't necessarily think of myself as underappreciated but this place (or rather Steemit beforehand) can mess with your head. Most posts go unnoticed until you've developed at least a small community of friends. Even then, how much voting power do 25 - 50 minnows really have?

At some point, it must not be about the money. I was discouraged before and have been absent for a while but truth be told, I don't write only for an earning. I do it because it feels good. There were surely other factors that led to my absence.

It is always nice to see people such as yourself who go out of their way to help the upcoming talent. We all have a lot to learn and it helps to have some encouragement along the way. Good luck with your search and I promise to write as much as I can when other priorities aren't taking the lead.

@inalittlewhile 😁


Voting trails can both be good and bad. I mostly auto vote on slobberchops because he seems real in his posts and have known him for a long time here, so it's almost like a subscription for me on YouTube where I auto vote on those I would like to support for one reason or another. :-)

Stick on and you will start creating connections!

Wow. 150 votes and not a single comment? Voting trail?

It is a voting trail. I don't ask for it, it just happens. The longer you are here the larger it gets. I can't complain, I do OK here. You left a good comment and that means something to me.

The comments will come, I generally do better than the average when it comes to the volume of comments, as I leave votes for comments. It's like the carrot and stick, but it works and gets the interaction going.

I will have a look at what you are doing.

Hehe. Looks like the comments came in and I was just early to the party. Didn't mean to cast having a voting trail in any kind of bad light. I had a small one before I went on hiatus. Thanks again for such a willingness to help and no worries if my stuff ain't your thing. I completely understand. 😎

Didn't mean to cast having a voting trail in any kind of bad light.

None taken, it's always like this. A load of auto-votes and then some people might read it. More than a few in this case!