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RE: You better like green

in OCD4 years ago

Oh I would certainly want to visit New-zealand. It’s literally on the other side of the globe for someone from the Netherlands, but totally worth it. Countless stories of people who went there and loved it.


Yes, it's a long way from you, as is the Netherlands from me! We were almost going to go this year but decided to fly into Denmark instead, on our way to Finland. Our flights were just cancelled due to the virus though. Hopefully next year we'll get back there.

I hope so too. It would mean that travel works again and that the virus didn’t come back.

In the Netherlands things are starting to get back to normal, but soon I think we’ll start hearing about business restructuring, people loosing their jobs and such. The economy is not in a good shape right now.

I agree and only had this conversation with someone today, that we haven't started to see the pain of COVID yet, financially and from a business/financial perspective. Smart people are repositioning and preparing for it, most aren't though.

Yes and the same goes for 3rd world countries