My Entry For 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: chain link fence

in OCDlast year (edited)


A chain link fence, is also called as wire-mesh fence. It is made in a diamond-shaped pattern. It is very popular fencing option due to its durability, affordability, and versatility. It can be used on many places which i'm listing below,

  1. Residential Fencing
  2. Commercial Fencing
  3. Sports Fields
  4. Public Spaces
  5. Agricultural Fencing
  6. Security Fencing

Do you have any question about Chain Link Fence? Ask me ,
I'll be more than happy to answer you.

 last year  

Hey @itwithsm,

For future reference there is an actual freewrite community you can post your entry to called Freewriters Community.

The OCD Community is for
posts that do not fit in any of the other communities.

Thank you ~

I know, It was posted in OCD by mistake. I'll be careful next time.

 last year  
