An evening into the Forest...❤️

in OCD2 years ago

Jobs fill your pocket but adventure fills your soul....💕

This is a little adventure story I experienced lately.

Randomly taking a half day off from work in between the busy schedule to explore a place we found in Google Map.

So basically it was a waterfall inside the forests and we wanted to explore this place
It took us some time to figure the start of the place but we figured it out.
Not having a guide , we walked through the forest and found a house there and asked them to guide us to the falls.
There was an old lady but she was super sweet to show us the way.
Though we started , there were many deviations between the trees and we did not know which way to take.
All we did was lisen to our inner self and decide for ourself.
And then all of a sudden it rains ,
Thunder , rain ,lightning and between the forests was actually scary but none of us showed each other as we could still hear the water fall from the place we stood and we did not want to go back without reaching to the falls.

It started raining so heavily that we did not not what to do next.
Surprisingly we found a small Hut for a shade.
While we waited there for the rains to slow down , we saw rice being cooked which made us figure out there was somebody living here.

After a wait for almost 15 minutes, an old man comes out and offers us a seat inside.
We were kind of reluctant to go inside and choose to stand outside .
The man was super amazed and excited to see us and started talking to us.
Imagine in middle of nowhere , a house and you are being alone there and then you meet people and you just can't stop talking .

Though we found him little annoying with his questions but we where just thankful to him for giving us the shade and finally he showed us the waterfall too.
Though he said nobody is allowed to go in there because it's risky.

We went back towards our vehicle because it was getting dark and scarier.
Though we couldn't get into the waterfalls , the walk between the forests was definately worth the time spent there.


Sometimes you just need forget evrything and do what you love because the joy of doing something you love is a feeling that cannot be explained.

Blessed much to have people with the same vibe.



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