Beautiful insects live in the leaves

in OCD4 years ago

* Insect leaves *

WhatsApp Image 2020-08-02 at 21.25.17 (1).jpeg

Hello all.
I will post about insects.

Insects are beautiful animals that live on this earth, actually they become eye decoration for us.
Various shapes and colors they live wandering in the leaves.
everything keeps our eyes entertained.
Many small insects that die are the habits of us, humans, because we often do the spraying on plants that we do.

Though we do not intend to kill them, but many of them live on these leaves and are exposed to the poison we use and ultimately those who are at great risk.

Because there are also many small pests that kill our plants, that's why we do the spraying.
Actually the spraying is also very dangerous for us, but we don't think about it because we have many pests that disturb our plants.

We must take care of those who do not interfere with our lives, because with them nature will be more beautiful.

* Insect leaves *

WhatsApp Image 2020-08-02 at 21.25.17 (2).jpeg

* Insect leaves *

WhatsApp Image 2020-08-02 at 21.25.17 (3).jpeg

* Insect leaves *

WhatsApp Image 2020-08-02 at 21.25.17.jpeg

All these pictures I took using
Camera: Oppo F5 Ram 6 Edge + Lens Macro.
Lens: Macros.
Photography: @jasonmunapasee.
Always in Photography content
Thank you

By @jasonmunapasee.


Really great photos of this insect, I took a quick look at a list of harmful insect but did not see this one. However this insect does favor the “Assassin Bug” a little. The black and yellow color for snakes normally indicate it’s poison maybe the same for this insect. It look dangerous.

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