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RE: Hello Hive - from LivingUKTaiwan

in OCD4 years ago

I was teaching English in Saigon, Vietnam and some people told me about Taiwan but I have not been to Taiwan yet but maybe someday. Please stay safe. Take care.


If you were in Vietnam then I'm sure you didn't get Taiwan mixed up with Thailand ☺️

And you take care yourself!

Haha yeah, I heard about Thailand too. I have been confused between places like Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc. Specifically, can I ask you how similar Hong Kong and Taiwan are or are not?

Hong Kong is much smaller than Taiwan with about 1/3 of the Taiwan's population. Because of Hong Kong's background, being under British rule for a century, they're much more international and cosmopolitan than Taiwan. In Taiwan, much of the economic activity is concentrated in the capital Taipei, but still lags behind HK as an international city. However, Taipei has a lot of natural resources, the coastline on the east, the central range of mountain great for hikes, and well preserved traditional culture in the rural areas making it a great place to visit, and live!

That's good.