Impressions of a Déja Vu - Selection # 1

in OCD4 years ago


Recent scientific discoveries have shown, what for the ancient oriental philosophy has always seemed evident: the mind deceives us.


What would come to mean, roughly speaking, that in fact, we live in the World of Maya of or of the Illusion, where perception plays puzzling pasts.


One of such plays, already fully in the subject of perceptions and their particularities, we have it in a concept, taken from the noble language of Moliére, known as Déja Vu.


A sensory experience, that possibly has happened to all of us at some time, and that is defined by the uncertain impression of having been in a certain place before or of finding ourselves in a situation, that although apparently new, nevertheless seems irresistibly familiar to us.


NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property.





Hello @juancar347,

Certainly, sometimes in life, we have had the impression of being in a place or situation that although new, is familiar to us. Perhaps it is a quantum paradox or another phenomenon to discover. That doesn't matter much, what matters is living. and feel the universe inside and outside of you. That is the true magic of existing.

Have a great day.

As surrealistic poet french, Paul Eluard said, my friend: There are other worlds but they are in this one. Greetings from Madrid

Una vez leí que todo se debía a que el ojo A ve antes que el ojo B. Por lo que cuando el ojo B manda la información al cerebro, el ojo A ya lo ha hecho y de allí la idea de tener la sensación de haber estado antes en un lugar o haber vivido cierta experiencia. No sé, pero esto más allá de que resulta medio extraño, le quita la magia, el misterio a ese fenómeno llamado Déja vu. Bonito jueves, @juancar347 ;)

Ciertamente, no te falta razón en tu comentario, mi querida amiga. Pero aún así, tanto en éste como en otros temas que podríamos considerar relacionados, yo prefiero seguir manteniendo la lógica-ilógica de Alicia a través del espejo: resulta evidente, que la culpa fue del gato negro; pero las sospechas, en un principio, también recayeron sobre el gato blanco. La magia, pues, después de todo, permanece entre uno y otro. Muchas gracias por tu interesante comentario y un fuerte abrazo.