My day out at old McDonald's farm (part 16)

in OCD4 years ago

Hello everyone 🤚🏾

Here's a series of photographs I took at old McDonald's farm a good few weeks now it was a great day out with the family at old McDonald's farm there's so much to do there there's so much to do
kgakakillerg original content

Here's a photograph i took of some baby llama at old McDonald's farm there's so many different types of animals

kgakakillerg original content

Here's another photograph I took of the llamas grazing

kgakakillerg original content
Here's another photograph I took of the llamas

kgakakillerg original content

Here's a photograph i took of some chickens at old McDonald's farm

Ok that's your lot for now I've still got loads more photographs to share from this day out but you will just have to wait until the next part for that

kgakakillerg original content

Thanks for reading and viewing this post I hope that you liked this post if you did why not check out my other posts like this post @kgakakillerg

I would like to say a big thanks to everyone who has supported me old and new I really appreciate every single one of you

 4 years ago  

Hey, we would prefer it if you could post your "Animals" post in the Amazing Nature community as we're trying to help grow a diverse set of niche communities so readers can get a better community trending page as mentioned in The OCD Community, for a list of the communities we're curating right now please check OCD Communities Incubation Program - Update #6. You are welcome to cross-post your posts from that community onto OCD with the feature to get more visibility and engagement from the OCD subscribers.

Ok thanks for the information I will unsubscribe to make sure I don't post here again 👍🏾

Good evening. It's great to see the lovely animals on Hive. Thank you for the interesting post. Thank you.

Thanks my friend 🤝