A typical day at the studio| BTS of a photo session with a pastry chef.

in OCD4 years ago

With the lockdown eased and the resumption of free movement within the city, the studio has been getting a little bit of buzz lately. And clients are starting to place bookings for photo session. I'm sorry to sound so insensitive, I don't exactly care about the virus anymore. Although we ensure to observe the measures put in place by NCDC.

Yesterday, we had a pastry chef come by the studio. He wanted some special branding photos, and here are some BTS photos;









From the photos, you'll find that we used a 3-light setup. The ring light was for special effects on the subject's eyes. Catch-light to be precise.

Our major light source or key light was an Ad600 diffused by a deep parabolic softbox. Then we had an sk400 on the right for fill. Then above the subject was a Godox v850 diffused by a beauty dish serving as hair-light. The results gotten from the set-up was amazing. Unfortunately, those photos won't make it to the Hive. Because I didn't shoot them.

Here's a BTS video;

Now you know what a day at my studio looks like.


Hi! My name's Kodeblacc. I abandoned my college degree in Physics to pursue a career in photography. I've been doing photography commercially for barely 2 years now. The brand would fare better with your support.

If you fancy keeping up with me, you can follow me on these social media platforms; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. I'll follow you right back!


Man like blacc

Great brother 👍

And what was the end result?

The ends results were great. Sadly I can't share unless the photographer gives me permission to.

If only the pastry chiefs would all look like this, haha! Good job!

Hahahahaha!!! He's a macho chef. Girls would look his cake because of his look.

But does he want us to look at his food or biceps? 😄

You are free to look at both.

I would love to see the final image if you end up getting permission. Thanks for the behind the scenes look though!

I'll ask permission tomorrow..