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RE: The real world is a global wargame - But you are not a player

in OCD4 years ago

Yeah, they do. It's not hard at all, considering this age's digital technology.

Unlikely. Its not about technology but more about number of ships that can be used in landing. It would be significantly larger operation than D day in WW2 and China started building actual navy just recently. Landing millions of soldiers somewhere is no trivial task.

No, they don't. Not nearly as much as anywhere else. Have you read @gooddream's post?

Its about different mentality, We have quite large Vietnamese community in Czech Republic and it was them who started taking covid seriously here. They for example used masks when it made sense even without being forced to while Czechs were trying to find ways to "outsmart" rules or completely ignored them.

No, it doesn't. It only benefits multinational conglomerates.

Parts sure, but I don't think multinationals will benefit from lower globalization or calls for higher self-sufficiency that's happening in quite a few European countries. Multinationals would benefit from something like housing crisis 2.0 way more - basically same benefits without downsides. So for this reason I don't think that multinationals started covid.


Landing millions of soldiers somewhere is no trivial task.

You can just bomb from afar. You can also use ships. But why would anyone do that? Despite being easy, it's unnecessary. It would break down their economy and ruin some of its assets - knowledge, location and economy. That's why no one wages war anymore. It's not financially worth it.

Its about different mentality

In a country with 100 million people, that reasoning is not enough when you can compare 35 deaths against alleged 100K+ deaths. Either the major lethality is there or it isn't.

Multinationals would benefit from something like housing crisis 2.0 way more

Cheap labor and harvesting natural resources are way more important than income. When you hoard something like oil, you are holding something that cannot get replaced by any means. That's the greatest form of scarcety. Think of Splinterlands print limits, but in real life.