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RE: I just got scammed. 4425 HIVE gone

in OCD4 years ago

Sad to hear this happen to you!

I understand that heart-sinking moment when the clear fact of the loss comes into one's awareness. For my part, I fucked up when changing my keys and lost access to my main account which I thought was gone for good. I then discovered that I do have a chance at redemption, with a 9-minute window in which to recover the account at the end of the month. I am very fortunate in this regard.

I hope you will be able to let this go and allow the Universe to compensate you in its own way.

This is a courageous post. Good luck!



thanks for the support!!

Yeah I was aware for the recovery account function but not that it was a 9 minute thing honestly. Also good to know again!

You also dogded a bullit then and I am happy for you that you got it all back into place!

This will also all turn out well in some kind of way..I just shouldnt think about how much mney this could have been when hive moons...ow well

Actually, it's a 30-day window normally, but my particular problem-configuration has meant I've only got 9-mins (effectively the very last 9 mins of this 30-day'window'). That's yet to come - on Oct 31.

And yes, that's what you'll have to let go of in order to find peace with this issue I think!

It'll work itself out in unexpected ways ╰(°▽°)╯

Best wishes