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RE: Dealing with Guillain-Barré

in OCDlast year

Feanor my friend! Really happy to see a long post from you! Let me know what games you get into. You got me to sign up for a free NFT from a game a few months ago, but now I've forgotten what it was! We went on to discord and said something like "I want the green one!" and got that nft. What was that?

Also, look into blocklords. I just wrote a post about it, but it actually looks like it could be fun. Several of us from GodsUnchained are going to give it a go. It's still just beta/demo at the moment, but the NFTs are cheap and the gameplay looks good (see my post).

Anyway, glad you are getting stronger. Look forward to you streaming again soon with whatever game you're playing.


i will look into it, the one free mint i got into that was a trading card game was the Titans of War but that shit went bad, someone minted all the good cards hahaha