Introductory Post

in OCD3 years ago

Good Evening to everyone on this amazing platform, My name is Afolabi Oluwapelumi Vincent and this is my first post on the blog. I was introduced to this platform by a good friend of mine that has been on the blog chain for a long time @hadebaryor and I'm really glad he did cause I've been wanting to join in for a while but this time I decided to take the first step. Let's leave all of that and introduce myself

WhatsApp Image 2021-10-11 at 10.12.23 PM.jpeg

Like I mentioned earlier my names are Afolabi Oluwapelumi Vincent but some of my friends call me Slay B or Kvng Panda just like my username implies and I got the nickname Panda because of how much I love to sleep. Well I am a student and I'm studying Agricultural Engineering at Lagos state polytechnic which is located in Ikorodu, Lagos which is a state in a Western African country called Nigeria


That being said I am

  • Student
  • Writer
  • Gamer
  • Anime Lover
    And Lastly, A model.

I work under a Talent Scouting agency that goes by the name House Of Twitch after competing in one of the agency's top events THE MODEL LOOK 2019 where I was named the Top Model for The Modellok Africa. After that, i've been privileged to go for shoots and do Fashion shows all around Africa which has been an amazing journey by the way


So now that i am finally on the platform i'll be making posts relating to GAmes, Anime and Fashion cause i may like many other thing but those three things are just my Top favourites


Welcome to hive Anime lover😉 and I didn't even need you to mention you are a model, you look like it lol.

Great to see you here! Love to see yet another Engineering student in Hive! Hope to read more from you in the future.