
Yep for sure i did get some good advise from a good friend of my who understands these crypto coins better then me and this turned out to be good advise i owe him a few beers especially if they were to go to $10 WOW 😱

Wise friends you have! I didn't know much about crypto either but this place has allowed me to learn. Yeah $10 would be sweet, I think if we hold for a really long time and this project really kicks off, I bet it will be a few bull runs and collapses to get there tho. In for the ride! ATH for the last bull run from the old platform before we split was like $8 and this place will be so much better, it already is.

I just wish i had followed my friends advice years ago they were onto these coins a long time ago and bitcoin was there main coin now they are all living the high life. I didn't get on board then but maybe it's our turn now if we hold it out through the bull runs as you say.