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RE: The quality of you

in OCD3 years ago (edited)

It definitely was a different time and character building ! I secretly enjoy most of it, I like my firecracker nature, it instilled fear but I did get in trouble for it a lot but realistically I just say what everyone is thinking and the recipient just ends up with egg on their face, in the end you can't let them steamroll you... Mouhahah....


In other news, not only a downvote, we may have earned ourselves a mute too with bombing your brother's blog with irrelevance. Once he sees his comment section he probably be like....ewww dudes go makeout on your own blogs! LMFAO


Haha, firecracker nature. Now that I totally believe!

I don't think he'd mind, but yeah, we took over pretty well huh? That how we roll though right?

I hope we can reconvene somewhere else. Maybe on my peanut butter post tomorrow, or you can do a fire ra keep post and we'll resume there.

Then it's settled, we will reconvene at the pb smear campaign... Sounds like an interesting story :D
I should go to bed anyway, it's almost 8 am here.

Get ye to bed Marielle, we shall re-engage anon. (Soon)

Night. (Mornin') 😊

bombing your brother's blog with irrelevance

I think it adds to the general frame of thought ;D

LOL, I suppose it would :D

Keeps things interesting