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RE: Merlin

in OCD4 years ago

I want to share a story with you...
Love for Twittle
She has been sleeping on a big soft pillow under a chair in the basement. It is one of a pair for the studio. I sanded the back and seat today of both and Twittle was very happy to have me so close as I could reach down and pet her from time to time.

My dear old cat Twittle hasn't eaten for three days and is light as a feather. Yesterday, she climbed three flights of stairs to come up to my room and say goodbye. she has been staying close to me for 17 years. It made me cry. She will go to sleep anytime now and not wake up. I will bury her in the front yard where she liked to sit and watch the cars pass by as it reminded her of her many years living with me in Chinatown. I will plant a rose bush over her and think of her when it blooms..


Poor little Twittle...

Oh man, they get so deeply ingrained in our hearts don't they? I still look for Merlin, expect him to jump up on my office desk or the bed...But he doesn't because he's gone. I think you'll be the same with Twittle.

So sad when they go, but I would feel the pain over and over just the have the chance to have these little friends in my life.

Thanks for sharing this. It will be sad for you and you'll miss that little girl when she goes.

I am glad that I shared my feelings with you, mate, I know now that I have another friend who is also a great pet lover's. I have a little brother who loves birds, sometimes I see him how he feeds them, takes care of all the birds he has. I think this is wonderful bonding, nothing is better than this!

I agree, it's nice to find people with common interests. I've not blogged much about my cats although I could do every post on them. I love them and value them so much...Well, only one now I guess, Cleo.


Never late, you can still share... just spread the love, I love to read them all. They might be gone but they are still in your memories. Animals are blessings for us, when they love someone they love you from their heart. I still miss my little tortoise...


He was so cute. All memory now...

Cute little fella. I've never had a tortoise as a pet, nor know how to even care for one! All pets are glorious though, and mean so much to their owners.

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