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RE: Turned 27 and Thriving

in OCDlast month

Awww! I'm so happy to see those pictures @macchiata, I thought that because of the upheaval your life has been in these times you wouldn't be in the mood to celebrate, but from the bottom of my heart I tell you that it makes me very happy that you have celebrated, even if it was something small, it doesn't matter, today we celebrate that you are alive and that 365 days of new opportunities to grow and be happy are coming, life sometimes hits us hard, but it is to make us more resistant, you will see that this coming year will be much better for you.

I hug you very much, I hope the cake and food were delicious, welcome to the 27! Don't forget that whatever you decide to do in your life, the goal is to be happy, in honor of those people who are gone and who wish the best for us always.

Happy Birthday again Mac 💕🫂🎂🎉


I thought that because of the upheaval your life has been in these times you wouldn't be in the mood to celebrate

I know, right? I shouldn't be celebrating and all but I decided it has been many years I didn't celebrate it with family.So, it's why I am doing that. I think my family needed that too, a refresh from the difficult times they faced.

Thank you for the well-wishes dalla, I really mean it and thank you for always reading my stuff hehe. I hope you'll have a great week ahead.