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RE: I DO NOT support AI generated text as Hive post

in OCDlast year

Been so busy this week and just came across this post, which I fully agree and support. This whole AI thing is giving me massive concerns since ChatGPT appeared last year, and I know for sure there are more and more AI generated content these couple of months.

At the moment I have refrained from DV them yet, bar one account. Their chances of curation is reduced by what is within my control which is not a lot but sizeable for abusers.

I'm pretty sure as the detection tools become more mature, and I'm confident I can pick out accounts that AI generated content my DV will be there as well. Curators just need to spend more effort to analyse the post instead of just supporting a post that has a wall of well written text and good photos. Sometimes content is just too good to be true.


Hey @livinguktaiwan me too re our Discord convo. This post made me so happy. @itsostylish did you catch it?