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RE: It's Called: Freefall by RKS an Interpretation of its Meaning

in OCD3 years ago

I think maybe this is the song you can just let it play and loop in the background and not get bored with it. I haven't tried it yet but might give it a go to see how long I can tolerate it 😊

Btw, next time you post about music stuff, post it in the music communities like Hive Open Mic or the Music community both are supported by OCD.


Hive Open Mic is only for live music with a set weekly topic :) So if @leaky20 would sing or play us something, that would be great:))))

I wish I could sing, then I gladly would. But alas, I sound like cats meowing. 😺

Yeah it's that type of song. But it's super short though so it could get a bit repetitive I guess.

Btw, next time you post about music stuff, post it in the music communities like Hive Open Mic

Okay will do and good to know. I never know what tags to use for my posts. I pretty much need someone to come along and tell me lol 🙃
I wasn't sure if the music tag was only for artists creating original works or not. I guess it's for all music related works - makes sense.

Oh, so yeah if I would like to make my post about musik like @leaky20 this, I am still in the music community, right?

I made some content about music in general, but I didn't get into the interpretation of a song. But, yes, I'm almpst going there

I just found out that music is also supported by OCD :) @livinguktaiwan
