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RE: The differences between men and women!

in OCD4 years ago

Well I don't know about that now Sir Papillon! I knew an inventive Scottish lady who built a kind of a pram for her grandson using a lawnmower base, it was really quirky but I was too young and stupid back then to take a photo! Grandma used to push him around the neighborhood in this but unlike the pink Cadillac pram owner, this lady used to love chatting along the way in her broad Scottish accent;)
Looks like your family are seeking out some sunshine there, must be cold down your way already?


Yeah Lady Lizelle, some ladies can be very practical as my one aunt used to drive those big double decker buses in the city. Whenever there was a problem with the motor, she had a tool box and she would fix it herself.
She had forearms like a Rhino Lol.
Kudos to that lady that built her own Rolex pram.
I don't think that you were stupid when you were young. A stupid person cannot cook like you. Or maybe you became more clever when you grew up lol.

Cold here today and the next 3 days will be the normal in the Cape of Storms. A heavy cold front with gale force winds are going to kiss us tomorrow and will visit us until Thursday.
Then it will pack up its suitcases and go to visit you guys!