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RE: Carry-on Luggage

in OCD3 years ago

Such lovely pics of the house. I don't know if the house is more beautiful or your skills to take pics. Maybe both.

I remember sitting on the edge of my loaned bed, looking at a nasty looking and dirty wallpaper, wondering how I got here.

Lol, just made me think about the time when I joined my first job. I was all hyped up, moving to a different part of the country, everything was looking great.
But the day I reached that place, I was there sitting and wondering, how did I end up here. Maybe I made a big mistake😨

Life has a way of teaching you that it's not always fairy land out there😅

Then, after a few years, you understand that everyone has to go through a hard phase, in one way or other.

Those who avoid it in the early stage of their life, don't have enough energy and time left to become strong later.

Looking back at the time, I was pondering over such small things😅


Life has a way of teaching you that it's not always fairy land out there

I think learning this lesson young is a good way to enter into work life.

Those who avoid it in the early stage of their life, don't have enough energy and time left to become strong later.

I agree. I think that it is part of the reason that so many people go on stress leave and get depressed.