
What if they just want to post selfies?

btw- do you have any steem you're powering down in someway?

blocktrades and ionomy aren't doing it, and my exchange doesn't have steem listed.
(if so, could I send you my steem, and give it back to me in hive -or ltc,....or something?)

Only 50 or so at a time?

yes each week i have about 80 steem and i have a keen buyer who gives me NZ$ for it - i have no frigging idea why but he wants it...

Nice rant! Im using huobi, no kyc and has hive and steem 😃

lol - rants seem to be my forte, periodically.

Nearly finished power down, no worries. Cheers. that a yes? lol
(and if so, when are you selling your next lot?)

Do you know how many girls I could get to sign up and do selfies for a few dollars? llolololol