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RE: The Inevitability Of Decision Making - A Short Review of Robert Frost's Poem, The Road Not Taken

in OCD4 years ago

Let's hope the world opens up again, sometime soon. Then you can set out on the first leg of your world tour.

As for the pandemic, lately I've been hoping that the virus will make a coordinated attack on most of our political leaders. If the virus had any decency, it'd leave the good people alone, and just kill off all our despicable leaders. Then we could restart, and maybe develop a politico-economic system that is fairer, kinder, and more beneficial to all. That aint asking too much, is it?


I strongly do hope that the world returns to normal as soon as possible. As for your request, it is a noble one which I very much agree with. We need new names. And I should say that your request was granted in Nigeria already as a certain man of the cabal, call him the de-facto president if you like, was taken recently. Perhaps more will join in the roll soon. Cheers!