6 Years of music box...

in OCD2 years ago (edited)

When she comes...

When she comes, things change...
The colors have different colors...
The smells have different smells...

The world looks to be different before your eyes...
When she comes, she brings with her a new world.
She, is god to that world you are seeing...

She came not just to show you things...
She came to show you, yourself...
To show you the value of yours...
To show you the importance of yours...

She came with years of hope...
Dreams she's been having for the longest time...
There is a weight to that...
To the years of hoping and praying to have you in her life...

She's given you that...

that heavy responsibility that maybe is the only thing near to the meaning of life...
Make sure to undertake that fully, and take care of the vulnerable crystal ball she's placed in your hands...

Be the answer to those prayers...
When you be, you'll be a hero...
Not her hero...
But your hero...

The person who did the rare...
The one who can be the reason for calm sleeps...
The one who can be a shoulder for a crying eye...

A Man. for A Woman...

Can you do that?


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Thank you for reading this...

Peace! ❤️
