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RE: I DO NOT support AI generated text as Hive post

in OCDlast year

I will not allow myself to go that definite, because I don't bear any responsibility but for myself.

A helpful mind game would be to make the transfer to video and audio. Would I want to curate audio and video content that is mostly AI generated? No. Therefore I pledge to never watch a Marvel Movie again (or at least not pay for it). Funny enough that is where I am with those anyway :D

Would I watch South Park if it were completely an AI product, BUT with the exact same content? Questions.

I think it's very far-sighted by Azircon to state his stance, that is what I would expect every Community leader to do, please. And if people break those barriers right in his face, well, get fluffed.

Btw. my debate opinion is very open to AI tools, while personally, I think it's a bad idea to use them. If I want rotten fish, I'll catch one and put em into the sun myself. What's the purpose of publishing AI content if not harvesting unearned yield? So don't make me ruler over Curation Land. I'd nuke the living hell out of people and empty the chain in six days. xD