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RE: Looking for Good Authors with Low Reputations that get Bad Rewards

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

Actually that urban exploration is quite up to my taste and I've done it a lot and I will no doubt be doing it again. many things to do I don't know if I will be able to get to even one such post next week but now that I randomly met the idea...

I know it's not much but I also like finding new talent. I just never followed trails but I prefer giving all my support manually.

As to onboarding lots of new people... That requires finding people who would both trust a new thing and have patience with it.


If you do any Urbex posts, please post them here. I am trying to grow this community and it's very slowly starting to kick off.

Ok. Does the showcase-Sunday type of old posts count? Those could fill in the collection. But I have a lot of stuff waiting to be edited and shown for the first time as well. And new explorations will soon happen, I hope :)

Does the showcase-Sunday type of old posts count?

Yeah, they do, I probably haven't seen them and @grindle will be interested. He's an urbex nut like me.