Story: Carnival the circus of terror

in OCD4 years ago

Circuses caught my attention from a very young age. I always wanted to stay with one of them. I insisted that my parents take me every time one of these came to our city. As a child I always told my mother that I would be a great circus, that I would study for that. Everyone laughed at me and more when I said it at school.



I looked at them with outrage when everyone made fun of me. Over time I learned to watch them calmly, looking forward to that moment when they would see me on advertising posters all over the city. I would be the most famous puppeteer of all the circuses that have existed and I would give them many inviting tickets to come and see my act.

Time passed and I was disappointed to discover that there is no circus university, so I decided to abandon my parents and go to the first circus that appeared in the city. I had decided.


I remember that summer well. It was very hot. I was desperate to have everything put together so I could go. I would look out, see if I could see the owner of the circus to talk to her and hire me. I saw everything so easy in my mind. It would be a great star like Paul Winchell or Eurycles of Athens. Everyone would applaud. I did not see the day of seeing my face in advertising.



Every day before going to high school, I passed by the place where the circus had been arranged, but I didn't see anyone. One afternoon, it was almost night I saw a lot of movement so I approached and to my surprise they were all together. I decided to jump the fence and get to them.

As I approached, a tall, sinister-looking man stopped me. His hands were twice mine. I freaked out and tried to run, but he held me so tightly that it was impossible for me to escape. He took me to the presence of a very old man, he was small, like a little thumb, they called him Mr. Gepto. The tall man released me and left me with him.

I told her that from a very young age I wanted to belong to a circus, that I would do anything to stay with them, that I would like to travel and travel, that I would love to see my face in the circus advertisement.

He stared at my face for a long time, as if delving into the depths of my soul, thinking. He screamed and out of nowhere someone like a reptile appeared. He spoke to her in a strange language. I did not understand. That other one just nodded.



The little being told me to come back in a week, that he might have something for me. He held out his hand, as if to seal the deal, but in his hands was a series of tickets ...

There was no excitement had many tickets and all free. I shouldn't have to ask my parents for money. If they asked, I would say that a friend had given them to me.

The circus was just as I imagined it, with many attractions, animals, and many functions. Carnival was called that. I ran everywhere. I went to each and every function. There was no room for emotion.


The function that most attracted my attention: the puppets and the ventricles. I was fascinated with them, it was almost an obsession. My toys were all puppets. I adored them and didn't see the moment when I did my show.

After the performances I talked for a long time with Andreas Prince and one day I asked him if he couldn't teach me that art. She would be my mentor. In that month that the circus was there I learned a lot. Especially the art of lip sync. I practiced at home as many times as I could.

Andreas was careful in my studies, since Mr. Gepto had said that I would be his successor. He spent long hours with her. It was very interesting. That week I would have an exam. He would see if she was ready to take his place. First I had to walk around the circus and choose someone. I asked him why and he said he would be the first test subject, I asked him again if it couldn't be someone else, he said no, that I should choose him there. So I decided to invite my friends, those who made fun of me. I put them in the front row and told Andreas that they were my guests. She told me to choose one. I did it like that.


When the show ended, my friends thanked me and left. Andreas asked me to stay. He took me to a section of the circus that I did not know. There my friend was tied up. There was the one with the reptilian face, Mr. Gepto and Andreas.

Everyone was waiting. I started my ritual just as Andreas taught me. He was so asleep, so calm. Little by little I began to remove the viscera, bleed him, remove his brain ... all with nerves of steel. At the end everyone applauded me and were amazed by the control and mastery with which he had made the cuts.



That had been my test. It had been accepted. Now she belonged to them forever. I started that summer with the collection and today there are more than 1000 figures.

My show is the most famous of all. Everyone runs to see it. The press praises the quality of my dolls, my "little people" as I say. They are so solemn, extraordinary and fabulous. I keep my friends and they attend each show, it is more they participate in them. Seeing the mastery of my show they are speechless with emotion.



I hope you enjoyed reading.
