Macrophotography #05 Animal (Python Frog)

in OCD4 years ago


Hi all nest lovers, how are you guys today.
You must be familiar with this one animal, in my place this animal is called a python frog, why is the name like that because the color of this frog's skin is like a python, we find many of these frogs in the grass around the rice fields.

Hai semua pecinta sarang, apa kabar kalian hari ini.
Anda pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan hewan yang satu ini, di tempat saya hewan ini disebut katak python, kenapa dinamai demikian karena warna kulit katak ini seperti ular piton, banyak kita temukan katak ini di rerumputan sekitar padi bidang.

Toads are amphibious type animals, meaning that these frogs can live in two places on land and in water. That's why we often encounter this type of frog in rice fields, the life of frogs is very threatened from other animals, frogs are often hunted by snakes, rats, birds and several other wild animals.

Kodok merupakan hewan jenis amfibi, artinya katak ini dapat hidup di dua tempat yaitu di darat dan di air. Karena itulah kita sering menjumpai katak jenis ini di persawahan, kehidupan katak sangat terancam dari hewan lain, katak sering diburu oleh ular, tikus, burung dan beberapa hewan liar lainnya.


If we look at this type of frog, it is very similar to the skin color of the python, which is brown and has black stripes. This type of frog is very good at jumping high when he feels threatened, when I take a photo I have to chase him into an empty spot so that he doesn't hide into the grass or rice plants. This is the result of my photo for 30 minutes chasing him until I fell into the fields.

Jika kita perhatikan pada jenis katak ini sangat mirip dengan warna kulit ular piton yaitu coklat dan bergaris-garis hitam. Katak jenis ini sangat pandai meloncat tinggi saat merasa terancam, saat saya mengambil foto saya harus mengejarnya ke tempat yang kosong agar ia tidak bersembunyi di rerumputan atau tanaman padi. Ini hasil fotoku selama 30 menit mengejarnya hingga aku terjatuh ke sawah.





CameraXiomi Note 8
CategoryAnimal Photography
