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RE: The quality of you

in OCD • 3 years ago

Haha! I discovered that tendency of not doing things well so you don't get asked again, so I make sure to keep asking till it's done right😅
I was shocked to read about his health tonight.

btw, did you mum bring up 3 boys? The last 2 must have been a "pleasurable handful" 🤣


so I make sure to keep asking till it's done right

I feel nothing but pity for the Scoob!

I was shocked to read about his health tonight.

Was that way for me too, Taraz and I are pretty close and I felt helpless.

did your mum bring up 3 boys

Four boys and a daughter...Pleasurable handful? I don't comprehend how she managed not to murder us! LOL

Best wishes to you too, Galen. There's nothing worse than feeling helpless towards a love one in need.

I bet with all the headaches you bunch might have caused your mum, that you all made her smile.

Lol...I'd like to think mum had something to smile about...Not sure if she did, but I like to hope. :)