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RE: Carry-on Luggage

in OCD3 years ago

Being a parent makes you look at things very differently. But we all have to grow up and find out path. Despite it having challenges it's also a blessings you could seek your independence with worry about those you leaving behind.

It is human nature to search for better, even if we don't always find it.

Can't agree more. We live and learn but always try to better ourselves.


I'd be happy if my daughter travels the world - I'd be happier if I have the money to meetup with her often :)

As a kid and now a grownup who is always riddled with guilt and concern for parents. This makes my heart happy. I wish with all my heart it can be so for everyone, especially both our daughters! !LUV






@tarazkp, you've been given LUV from @mimismartypants.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/3)