Introducing Myself

in OCD2 years ago

Hello to everyone,

I am Francis Fosu, a retired professional graduate high school teacher living in Ghana. I am a happily married man in my late fifties with 4 kids and 3 grandkids

I found the blockchain through my kids who insisted it would be a good hobby for me to read about the life of others and even have the opportunity to share mine too whiles connecting with others as I stay home


I may be sharing mostly biblical and lifestyle posts however I am very open minded to suggestions and any others that may come my way.

Communities I intend to join will be anything that represents my country Ghana as I am a full patriot but I also love science and learning and so any educational community may also interest me.

I am hopeful that my time here will be fruitful and that I will learn a lot and also get to share a lot. I thank everyone for this opportunity.



Welcome mrfrancisf1!
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Hello, @mrfrancisf1 Welcome on Hive.

Your kids are not on Hive?