The necessity of eye contact- How to make it work?

in OCD4 years ago

Attention, interest, affection everything starts from eye contact. Eye contact establishes positive social connections too. When we sync eyes with someone else, our brain begins to mirror emotions and feelings. Also, it's a social norm too. But you may find it difficult many times to properly do that. Or maybe you know someone who is not good at it.



A proper eye contact can strengthen the bond between two people. From establishing a strong love relationship with the business world, eye contact can help us in many ways. Not only it can give us an idea about people's thoughts and behavior but also it can give us a glimpse of their real selves.

So, let's see what can help us to learn to establish proper eye contact and how to improve that.

Practice eye contact while listening to others. Don't drop the contact for too long. Apologize if the person feels you are not listening.

Look at the eyes strait while talking to someone. No matter if it's your teacher, business partner, or someone elderly.

Never hesitate to make it longer if necessary. In many culture eye contact is bad but if not so, then do it.

Make it gentle, don't stare. Don't look into the eyes but look near the eyes to make it even.

People who have a problem making eye contact will find it very difficult. Because getting out of the comfort zone and making eye contact is not easy. But if anyone wants a proper social connection, getting attention and interests from others, he/she has to learn this.

Moreover, in this digital era where we have to make video calls and online meeting so we have to learn to maintain eye contact to socialize and to prove ourselves. There's no need to say people take this attitude as a strength and it's really is. I believe following these simple techniques can save anyone.


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