
Ah ok, I know what you mean I think...You mean references, people to support your case for employment.

hmm yeah, it's hard to explain, language borders. lol

Yep, we got there in the end though.

I hope you're able to get onto a crew, I know you've had some tough times in the past, and possibly still, and it would be nice to hear that you're doing great, on a ship and pushing on with life. That would make me happy.

Yeah, thanks for the motivation and by the way, I was busy these few days because of my training so I haven't read so of your posts. I hope you're doing fine and your wife as well that experiencing tough times.

You're welcome sir, and it's all good, people get busy so no worries if you haven't got time to read my posts.

All is well here, as well as can be expected anyway. We're waking up, putting some food in our bellies, working, sleeping and repeating...It's enough for a simple bloke like me.

That's good to hear, it's a bit relieving knowing things like that flows well. Be safe always.