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RE: Hook, line and thinker

in OCD4 years ago

Writing is like having a private discussion and debate with a group of people in one's head

I like saying that writing/speaking is nothing more than the externalization of our own thoughts and ideas. That's why the complete freedom os speech cannot be compromised, no matter how absurd the topic is ― writing/speaking is the only way to expand one's mind, change opinion and seek truth.

A person who cannot freely write/speak is locked inside his/her own mind; internalization leads to resentment, which leads to all sorts of explosive behaviors. Particular true in relationships where communication is difficult; it ends in disaster.

These days, we are highly consumptive of pre-chewed content, content that is easy to passively digest and because of this, we don't have to think much about what we are consuming

Absolutely agree. What makes it even worst is that most of the pre-chewed content is futile (i.e. some stuff on Instagram), yet people spend a lot of time there without noticing. Waisted time and brain power. Worrying.


A person who cannot freely write/speak is locked inside his/her own mind; internalization leads to resentment, which leads to all sorts of explosive behaviors. Particular true in relationships where communication is difficult; it ends in disaster.

I disagree. It doesn't have to have an audience, it needs to be well considered. I think part of the problem today is that people write for the audience without actually considering their topic or the ramifications of it. Instead, they pour their emotions out uncontrollably, like toddlers - except instead of being hungry or needing a nappy changed, they are "hurt" by whatever perceived slight the world has inflicted upon them - eternal victims with no move to develop the tools of understanding to heal themselves and take agency.

People waste a lot of time in this world on platforms and in front of screens while doing very little of value in other areas. People work for the weekend, consume for avoidance.


I think part of the problem today is that people write for the audience without actually considering their topic or the ramifications of it.

I get you there, and I agree. Perhaps it's a reflex of the internet age that gives voice to people who wouldn't voice themselves otherwise. But still, I consider it as positive. It gives a chance for people to look back and reconsider what they've written in the past; or it's a way for readers to access what's written and point out what's wrong.

However, as you correctly pointed out, most of what we see on social media is emotional. It's impossible to argue with someone emotional and help them perceive another point of view. Totally agree with you there.

Anyways, next years will me weird indeed in terms of communication as people study less, listen less, and talk more.

But still, I consider it as positive. It gives a chance for people to look back and reconsider what they've written in the past; or it's a way for readers to access what's written and point out what's wrong.

We have many chances in this world, few take them. For most, there is always the next drama to bandwagon onto, the next "social movement" engineered to take attention away from doing something of real import, another headline for the emotion suckers to feed upon. People fee that what they are doing is valuable, even while in the next breath they contradict their own position.

Yeah, what you said makes sense.. as if people are always looking for approval or to feel accepted.

Have you seen the so called 'canceling culture'? It's worrying to say the least. People bring back things written way into the past and go full blow against it, not leaving the writer a chance to reconsider.

After our quick chat here I believe we both agree: communication is key and the world is going somewhat the wrong way.

Have you seen the so called 'canceling culture'? It's worrying to say the least. People bring back things written way into the past and go full blow against it, not leaving the writer a chance to reconsider.

Heard of it, but I don't spend much time on centralized media and I don't watch the news at all. The world we support is a mess, and then we complain about it :)

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