Shining eyes! Jumping Spiders around the house.

in OCD4 years ago

Recently, the number of spiders I've been spotting in the house has gone up sharply! It's nearing the end of the summer here and the slightly cooler evening temperatures combined with frequently rainy weather has lead the spiders to seek shelter indoors. Small enough to fit through the gaps between the screens and windows and the window frames, these particular spiders have the common name of "House Jumping Spider" as that is where they are often found. The latin name for the species is: Hasarius adansoni.

For example in the living room:
These spiders are active hunters and their short hops to get around are very endearing. I'll try to get a video in the future.

Their domain isn't exclusively indoors though it's perhaps easiest to spot them agains the floor or wall where there isn't anywhere to hide. This one was on the outside of the house. The wall texture looking like a rocky desert!

Both of the above spiders are males. Their bold colouring and the white patches on the palps serve to both attract and entice females and are also used in displays against rival males. If they can show off their size and vigor better, the spiders can avoid a potentially lethal fight.

Thank you for taking time to look at my pictures!
If you have a question or comment you would like to share please do in the comment section below!


Spider 🕷️ snap Timming is great

Thanks. :)

That is such a beautiful little spider! Nice capture!

Cool bug photo :)
I hope you get more soon :)

Thank you, so do I!

I be more back then :)
I also try get some bug photos more soon ... here start summer end and days are cold :)) I not have lot time to get lot bug photos soon.

Sounds great! Good luck for finding some interesting creatures!

Adorable roommates :)

Yes, they really are!