Thank you HIVE development team for the prompt response

in OCD4 years ago


A few days ago I had difficulty writing posts on my cellphone because the display on the submit page was unusual. But after I asked him what the moisturizer was through discord, there was an error, I was asked to wait for a repair from the development team. Well, yesterday I also commented on the @blocktrades post and asked again about what I experienced when writing posts via my cellphone. And the response was very fast, he said he would fix it as soon as possible. And this morning I tried to write posts via my cellphone. Well, this time the display is back to normal as usual. This is how the to submit page has been improved by the @hiveio development team.

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya mengalami kesulitan saat menulis postingan melalu ponsel saya karena tampilan pada halaman submit tidak seperti biasanya. Namun setelah saya menanyakannya apa penyembabnya melalui discord, ada kesalahan, saya diminta untuk menunggu perbaikan dari tim pengembang. Nah, kemarin saya juga memberikan komentar pada postingan @blocktrades dan menanyakan kembali tentang hal yang saya alami saat menulis postingan melalui ponsel saya. Dan responya sangat cepat, dia mengatakan akan memperbaikannya sesegara mungkin. Dan tadi pagi saya mencoba menulis postingan melalui ponsel saya. Nah, kali ini tampilannya sudah kembali normal seperti biasanya. Inilah tampilan halaman submit yang telah di perbaik oleh Tim pengembang @hiveio.



Through this post, I would like to thank the HIVE development team who responded quickly to any complaints and improved the display of the submit page via cellphone. And I also thank @blocktrades for replying to my comments on the post. Hopefully, the hive will progress and develop

Melalui postingan ini, saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada tim pengembang HIVE yang merespon cepat setiap ada keluhan dan memperbaikinya tampilan halaman submit melalui ponsel. Dan Saya juga berterima kasih kepada @blocktrades telah membalas komentar saya di postingannya. Semoga hive semakin maju dan bekembang

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