Thank you Hivers friends

in OCD4 years ago


Monday (06/15/2020) I and @dilimunanzar carried out the mandate donated by my friends in the form of HIVE and HBD for the victims of flash floods in Aceh, Indonesia. Through this short article, I personally thank all donors who have contributed to help victims of the Banjir Bandang in Central Aceh, Indonesia. For all reports about this charity event, you can read it in his post @dilimunanzar Donations from the Hive Blog Community to Flood Victims in Aceh Tengah, Aceh Province of Indonesia Have Been Distributed.

Pada hari senin (15/06/2020) saya bersama @dilimunanzar telah melaksanakan amanah yang telah teman-teman titipkan sumbangan berupa HIVE dan HBD untuk para korban banjir bandang di Aceh Tangah, Indonesia. Melalui tulisan singkat ini, saya pribadi mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua hivers yang telah menyumbang untuk membantu para korban banjir bandang di aceh tengah, indonesia. Untuk semua laporan tentang kegiatan amal ini anda bisa membacanya di postingannya @dilimunanzar Donations from the Hive Blog Community to Flood Victims in Aceh Tengah, Aceh Province of Indonesia Have Been Distributed.

Inilah beberapa gambar dokumentasi perjalanan dan penyerahan Bantuan tersebut.

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Terima kasih juga kepada @theycallmedan yang telah mendukung penuh kegiatan ini dari awal sampai terakhir dan kepada abang @aiqabrago kami juga berterima kasih serta Teman-teman Indonesian Hive Community ( IHC)

Thank you to the donors

@asgarth @rahmadantara @fachrulreza @maskur2840 @happyphoenix @fachrul01 @dudeontheweb @aliento @lukestokes @aiziqi @whatamidoing @azwar.ipank @fianna @akukamaruzzaman @ericha @my451r @rezasofyan @clayboyn @kemal13 @abduhawab @ervin-lemark @dilimunanzar

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Instagram,Facebook, Gurushot, Twitter, my channel youtube


This is great news. Until today, I was not certain what to do with HBD. Usually, I would convert it to Hive and then power up with it. This has opened my eyes to consider using HBD for donations to good causes. From now on, I will open my eyes for places where I can donate.

Dear friends, thank you very much for your hard work and dedication helping people in need.

It shows that community matters!

My pleasure...
And thank you very much for being a part of the charity moment. We hope the future will be in another chance with the community activities

Good job..thanks to all donators

Thank you

Exelente trabajo de la comunidad, mas para estos casos donde existe la necesidad, gracias por compartir.