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RE: Turned 27 and Thriving

in OCDlast month

You're always doing fine, Cemy. All that matters in life is really that we are enjoying it. Experiencing new things and learning. It's always going to be challenging, but that's how we discover ourselves as we age. You know I've been insanely lost over the years, constantly in search of something within myself. But I realised that it's all part of the process, and that process is meant to be enjoyed. To not know what awaits us is the fun of it all.

Remember, you can always message me on Discord and throw out ideas and thoughts you have.


that process is meant to be enjoyed

That is the reminder I needed. I think sometimes I feel like the process is just too challenging but as we look back, I feel even prouder of myself. One day, I'll look back to all of this and it might as well just worth it. You're always an inspiration to me and especially when it comes to photography 😊