My Quarantine Challenge: Becoming a better pianist

in OCD4 years ago

How it Started
My journey to the world of music began during the break after 9th Grade, thus from Junior to Senior High School. It has always been a rush due to the small time frame and the quantity of material that had to be learnt. With enough theory i got engrossed in the practicals as quickly as i could rapidly progressing through the various keys and variations, then as quickly as it started it had to end because i had to be in the boarding house had to direct my focus on my academics if i planned to be that great health personnel i always dreamed off. I didn't stop completely thought, i revised with the least chance i got, i joined the choir so i could learn more from advanced players and eventually i got the chance to be playing basic hymns and short pieces for churches. I have never really had time for the keyboard again since then because i always had my plate full, with summer internships, exams etc.


Due to the corona pandemic my examinations have been put on hold till further notice and although this is something i still have to prepare for, i believe i have more than enough time on my schedule now to fit a daily practice in to seriously improve upon myself. My dream has always been to become a classical pianist, my favorite player of all time is George Fredric Handel and it is reason why my challenge is to complete his books during these leisure hours. I would be starting with Messiah which is in 3 parts, already i have learnt some of them but there are still more to go and completely these works would greatly improve my fingering technique and make it easier for me to tackle more difficult pieces like Samson and the likes.

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The Plan
Studies have shown that the maximum time one can keep concentration with full absorption is for 50 minutes. Knowing this have planned my schedule such that i will be practicing 3 hours every day with 30 minutes breaks and 1 hour practice sessions making 3 sessions in a day. Morning, afternoon and evening. This would allow me to fit time for writing posts on the block chain whiles revising my notes for exams because the pandemic will surely pass eventually and although life may never be the same again, school will have to resume. The month of April is for the major pieces that a popular, thus am looking about 8 pieces for the month of April, should the lock down extend then i will look at the other less frequently sang piece. I look forward to a learning experience at my own pace with work and happiness in that order.
