My Quarantine Challenges || Making social awareness to prevent coronavirus spreading

in OCD4 years ago

I live in bangladesh. I'm a fruit seller. I have a small fruit shop. I used to support my family by selling fruits. I'm the only earning person in my family. Currently my store is closed. The condition of me and my family is very critical. We're human beings. Eat day by day Home quarantine is a lot of trouble for us. If we do not open a shop one day, our food supply is closed. And now lockdown for 10 days in Bangladesh. Although the shop is not sold. Because there are no people on the street.




I opened the shop at 10am. I remained in the shop till 12pm. All that would have been earned by purchasing and selling throughout the day. I used to purchase nourishment for the house. What a delight it is for kids my age. Be that as it may, at this age I have needed to find the world. We loaded up as much nourishment as possible. That is the end arrange. We likewise don't get help from the administration. On the off chance that the lockdown is expanded further. We don't have coronavirus, we will bite the dust without eating.

It's been 7-8 months since, I opened a record on steemit. In any case, I would never utilize steemit at work pressure. What's more, presently, after all the day on the steemit, time doesn't end.

Regardless of whether the rich are in isolate for 1-2 months, nothing will transpire. Be that as it may, the picture of our everyday citizens is extraordinary.

So far no covid-19 patient has been distinguished in our general vicinity. However individuals in our general vicinity are extremely mindful. They have been remaining at home for 4-5 days according to the administration request.

I've been living in a difficult situation. I attempted to show my present circumstance. I don't have a clue the amount I can do. To the extent composing 5 I have no information on composing more than this. In any case, I deal with myself and my family. Until I bite the dust, I need to deal with my family. Furthermore, following a couple of days I need to hazard my life and return to work. The family should be spared first. I have guardians, 1 sibling and 1 sister in my family. Group of 5 individuals.

That is an incredible tale. It would be ideal if you don't hesitate to remark.