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RE: Looking for Good Authors with Low Reputations that get Bad Rewards

in OCD4 years ago

Yeah! I fall into bullet point number 4.... Almost, rep 69.999 introduce yourself posted yesterday seeing as everyone else was/is doing it 😁

Think peakd are looking into easy signup and travelfeed as well via Google / FB. I assume the hive account that's associated with such a sign up is all configured out of sight from the user but not sure. Dapps are an important onboarding mechanism for sure. Still early days in Hive though.


Oh yeah, I read your introduction post all over again :D

Haha, nice one @macchiata! Good to see you still around here too, will need to catch up and see what you've been up to recently!

not much Nicky! I am just the usual and talking about whatever interest me ;)

That's the way it should be hey! Keep doing your thing, as long as you're having fun, that's all that matters!

So far, I hav not been very tempted to do a reintroduction post for myself. Perhaps when I hit 5K HP, I'll do a reintro post and celebration post...LOL

That's a good idea to combine it with a milestone - hope you get to 5k HP soon then! I think a little "look behind the scenes"/intro posts are good to do every 3 months or so if your blog isn't such a personal one. It's all about connecting here really so let that personality shine!

I think a "look behind the scenes" post every now and then probably would not be a bad idea, I need to keep that in mind.

Yeah do it! I think it's a nice touch - hey, you could even turn it in to a challenge when you do it. I know there was something like a "10 random facts" thing going around a while ago, food for thought 😃

peakd are looking into easy signup and travelfeed as well via Google / FB

They are easier, but with peakd, you get FOUR choices of how to login. Talk about confusing to the new guy.


I had to talk someone through this about a week ago.

And now keychain is on the app/play store, there's another plugin for a browser that you don't use on any other conventional social media site where we're trying to get people from.

If the log-in can be made identical to that then that's a big step in my opinion. Having everything working under the hood is one idea. For example when you sign up with FB, you get automatic account HIVE account creation with all the relevant keys somehow integrated in but 2FA is a must for making wallet transfers and important things like that. So something like:

Logging in with FB/Google = posting key
2FA = active key
Forgot Your Password = account recovery/owner key

Not sure how the Master Key would work, maybe it's just the password emailed over on sign-up with instructions on how to keep it in a safe place?