Hulu and the serial killer-2

in OCD4 years ago

Hulu and the serial killer.jpg

Move! They were halted by the stranger's voice, he held the dying Matt by his neck after he had drunk his blood. Help me... Matt stuttered weakly, stretching his hands towards a horrified Hulu and her mother until he fell to the floor to his death as the stranger sunk his teeth into his neck drinking the last drop of his blood.

I'm going to enjoy this. The stranger said giggling, and showing off his sharp teeth, as sharp as a sickle.

Please let my children go. Just take me instead. Hulu's mother said as she stood in front of her, in a bid to protect her. But the stranger grabbed both women by their hair, pushed them against the wall, and as he turned to shut the door, Hulu grabbed a bowl of hot water being used by Matt to clean up the stranger earlier and poured on his face destabilizing him for a few minutes.

Run! Hulu screamed to her Mother, Let me get Mousse. They both made their way to the living room in an attempt to leave the house but Hulu's mother walked into a trap of nails piercing into her feet, she screamed in pain, as Hulu tried to help her out, the stranger walked in on them with his murderous tools which he kept on the table.

Oh cute little thing. The stranger said, taking Mousse off Hulu's hands.

No, please... Not the baby Hulu said in tears.

No, I'm saving her for the last, they make the best meals. The stranger said and turned towards the couch to lay Mousse. Hulu quickly grabbed a pair of scissors that was among his tools and hid it in her back pocket, as she wanted to take an ax too, the stranger turned, you are indeed a pain in the ass, aren't you? the stranger said in anger, he grabbed Hulu and cuffed her. I'm going to make you watch while I eat your family for dinner. The stranger cuffed Hulu by a chair just beside the table where he kept his weapons.

Her mother still nailed to the ground broke into tears, pleading for the life of her children to no avail. The stranger proceeded to cuff her mother before removing the masonry nails from her feet to prevent her from escaping and like a dog, he licked her blood that was all over the floor. Then with his own long fingernails, he poked her mother's feet, causing her to bleed more and scream in pain while he licks off the blood like an animal. While he was feeding, Hulu broke her thumb to break free from the cuff, though it was painful, she bit her lips to keep her from screaming.

Why are you doing this? Hulu asked him.

Oh don't take it, personal dear, I'm just hungry* The stranger replied and giggled. I'm just happy that young lad brought me here last night. He giggled more.

What? Matt? Hulu asked, That son of a bitch!!! She mumbled under her breath, she warned Matt severally never to use the ouija board in the library. He wanted to talk to his dead parents but Hulu won't let him. He must have finally used it last night to bring back a blood-sucking vampire and now he's dead.

And the baby in my room? Hulu asked tears running down her cheeks as she watched her mother in pain and thought Matt's corpse.

Well that was me, the baby was just my other form he said as he kept poking Hulu's mother for more blood. At this point, she was so weak that she could not scream anymore. Hulu knew that she had to act fast especially seeing how attentive the stranger was to his meal.

In a split second, she grabbed the ax on the table and rushed to the stranger, hitting him severally on his back. The more the stranger tried to turn, the more she hit him, over and over again until he couldn't move anymore.

You know, for a vampire, you are really really dumb Hulu said as she took one last swing with the ax, cutting the stranger's back into two until he died.

Hulu... Her Mum called her faintly. She carried her weak mother into the car and came back for Mousse, she didn't know why Mousse slept that long but she was glad she wasn't awake to witness the horror. She took the baby to the car and called the cops as she drove to the hospital in silence.