
haha, I used to dream of 'retiring young'. Then it was 'retiring middle-aged'. Well, it better happen soon or I'm fucked. Maybe that's why I get so bent out of shape with all of my crypto screw ups. I need to just take the Buddhist philosophy that everything is perfect exactly as it is.

I was just saying in another conversation how I've tuned out the news and most of the media. Here I can tell you I've tuned out most of the cryptosphere. Pretty much everything in life, I've turned the dial down. Waiting for good news just doesn't seem like a productive thing to be doing anymore. Life can't offer any surprises if one thinks they know what's coming. That sounded good in my head.

Yeah, I have been tuning out as well. The news has become one long thread of 'BREAKING NEWS!' (which isn't really worthy of such a title) after another.

I have been trying to go more 'inward' trying to figure out why I think the way that I do, and do the things that I do etc. I'm sick of being alarmed about everything. Just want some friggin peace, however I can get it.

Calmness is not easy to achieve. It doesn't come naturally to me. It takes practice, then you fail, and you're expected to stay calm. Quite the mindfuck.