Introduction(lone wolf)

in OCD7 months ago


It a beautiful day,for the sun to shine don’t you think? well, we all have to get the warmth touch. That Mother Nature has in store for us it quite unpredictable.


My name’s Emmanuel I’m 27 I’m Nigerian and both parents are from Edo state I’m from a family of five(5) and I’m actually the last born. I love the outdoors and mostly video games, watching football or what y’all know as soccer.

I love listening to music too, I love action movies and I do have quite few skills and one of them is eating good food. You know, just to know what real food tastes. Hehe.

I was once a Forex trader, and I’m mostly open to new challenges and willing to learn new things.

Who wouldn't love adventures, yeah? Well, being an inquisitive human, I mostly love to go on adventures to see new things, different cultures, people, and tribe.

Educational Level.

I’m a national diploma holder from Kwara state polytechnic Nigeria, where I studied science laboratory technology, which we all know as (SLT). I have always been prompt to live the country in search for better and more stable life opportunities and freedom you could say because who doesn't want a good life.

More Tips About Me.


I’m greedy. It is as simple as that because peace of mind and mental health are quite important to me. Therefore, anything that will damage these things is a big No! For me as I want to have good health.



I don’t have a pet, but if I could get one, It'll be a wolf, pretty out of the world, right? I love wolves cause they can’t be tamed, and they are loyal. In my belief, they understand when it right to work or not. Truly, I might add that I am a loner, but that won’t take away the alpha in me. I do believe life is short and tomorrow isn’t promised but live your present at your best.


Talking about hubbies. I have so many that I have listed above, though I decided to share this.

Well, I feel it is a way to take our minds off the edge and worries or circumstances that are unpredictable and unpleasant. It is more of a way we keep to ourselves. Sometimes, it is a place of refuge, but then life can be pretty unpredictable and unfair, but nothing is ever fair. We all strive to work hard and not just hard but smart.

Being here is me trying to better. Though, I'll admit that I am an over-thinker and some say it good while others think it is bad. I think it can be both good and bad because it can be pretty overwhelming and more addictive too. We all make mistakes, and it is part of life, but too much of it is bad.

Learning is a process we need to progress in, not dwell in. And, I am glad that I am learning.

If you have things handed to you, well count yourself lucky cause it either you fight for what you want or you might remain at the same level.

I do believe life isn’t a movie, and when reality hits and it hits hard, then we’d realize the struggle, the pain, betrayal, heartbreaks, and loneliness. And I have felt all these.

I tend to believe life has put us in a cage where we are both the prisoner and the jailer, too. And to some extent, we can accept what we are and who we are and settle for less or move forward to attain more of life.

I have a chance and shot at life, and living it better is what I plan to do, which is one of the reasons I got myself here.


I love football or what you all know as soccer as I believe it is more of a way you forget your worries cause it keeps you anxious and expectant. It is fun and also pleasing to the eye, the brain, and the mind.

Then we have music which is like a jingle bell to me. It brings out the pain, and it teaches lessons, telling part of the truth we face in life. It brings that lovely goosebumps, and the bad depends on how you feel it.

I love good fashion sense. Things luxurious at times cos who doesn’t love the sound of that? Hehe. But I always made do with what I have and can afford and go for it.

*The Biggest News.

I got to know about Hive through the campaign on Twitter by #inleo. I was curious to learn that it is a decentralised blockchain when I read through Google. It was right then that I made the decision to create an account, which I was able to do through ecency.

I am happy to be here and ready to learn, engage with people, and have fun. I truly want to join the amazing beings here, and so I am stretching my hands to you all. I hope I am fully accepted.

Images belong to me.


Welcome to the Hive community @nueldaloner!
We sincerely hope you find everything you are looking for and have found a new home here.

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Have fun and happy Hiving!

So glad to be here and I'd be cautious of things too that's for the update @jamerussell

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I'd do my best

You are welcome @nueldaloner1! It is great to see you are doing your first steps on Hive! Great work!

Yay! 🤗
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I'm grateful and it been nice and welcoming since joining

Hello! Welcome to Hive, @nueldaloner1. I found you thanks to @heyhaveyamet 's introduction post.
You've come to a wonderful place where you can develop any interest you can think of. The limit is up to you!
The learning curve is steep at first, but ask any questions you have, read and observe.
Here are some resources to help you get started:
Link to The Terminal Discord server, highly recommended for learning anything about Hive and @heyhaveyamet 's home.
Link to Ecency's Discord server, my favourite frontend and where you can find me most of the time.
Link to the Ecency resource library, where I'm adding practical tutorials in Spanish and some are in English, too.
Little by little you will find the places where you feel most comfortable, get in touch with other hivers and success will come.
Greetings from Spain. 🤗

Well I'm open to new challenges and and open to learning new things and I'd love to understand Spanish and thanks to @heyhaveyamet I really appreciate the effort

Hive is full of opportunities to learn, you will be happy here. 😁

I'm looking forward to an adventure

!giphy welcome

@sagarkothari88 reward 0.05 HP

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Empowering OCD

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Hellooo @nueldaloner1,
Welcome to Hive Ecosystem! ♦️

Excellent introduction, I loved the post!

Here you will find a very healthy network.
Where you have freedom of speech and receive a lot of support for your effortin creating content.
I hope to see you flying through the communities and staying forever in Hive!
Nice to meet you!

I invite everyone to participate in the communities: HiveBR and SkateHive.
In addition to being a content creator, I am a Moderator and Curator in these communities.
Let's exchange ideas and evolve together.

Boelter hugs straight from Brasil!


Thanks and I love the freedom and it addictive oo and learnings is something i love to do