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RE: Good Thing Happen & Bad Thing Ain't Exempted!

in OCD3 years ago

I read your post and connected with the post. Something so beautiful from your heart, the pain we face in life have a way of shaping us, you have been really struggling. You said something about you stopping to talk, I do that do, because no one every believe when I say some of the things I go through, they always give me comment like, a whole you U-ROGA, I doubt that. I realize that, the fact that I don't go around asking from people, kind off give them this orientation that I have the world already, which I don't, I don't show off, I'm not driven by big stuff, but the life style I have designed for myself have leave them in great doubt each time I tell them my pain. But I had to stop telling anyone, and allow them coming viewing me as the wealthy one, these days, I claim that orientation as my portion and work hard everyday. I'm glad you got the admission, like I literally screamed YES! when I read that part. It's not an easy journey, but I believe you will get there some day. Thanks for sharing.



People tend to say am swimming in money like for real although I think it's what they see and not what they feel.... It happens and I kinda like it that way!
It's ONLY few of your friends can say I know her very well....
I'm glad you connected with this article!
Thanks for stopping by!

You're welcome