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RE: A scary visitor inspected the menu!

in OCD4 years ago

Those were Drongo's that were bombing him Lady Joan.
Over here we have the crows that tackle him. One crow can be joined by 10 other crows when they send out a special alarm call. Believe me as I have seen and heard the alarm on the farm.

The hawks are a couple and they nest here in the mountains every season.

Mayhem whenever one of them comes over the nesting territories, as even the smaller birds rise up to tackle him. They also cover a wide area as we saw them as far afield as the apple farm in Grabouw.

Glad that you liked the post my friend.
Blessings and stay safe!


Drongo's definitely have attitude, would not think twice of protecting their space.

Have seen Starlings react in numbers to chase Indian Myna birds, similar size battle in the skies.

Gorgeous photography, nature is always full of surprises Stephen.